Lt. General Muhoozi Mega Birthday Cup. Teams and best soccer players

General Muhoozi birthday Cup

Headlines: Believe me or not, unless you passed the age of 90, am sure you have not seen any birthday like of Lt. General Muhoozi.

At first, Balaam Barugahara Ateenyi said it will be the birthday of the century in Uganda and one of its kind, but now I come to a conclusion, is the one of its kind in East Africa. Let’s put hatred and politics aside, if you think you have any birthday that you have attended or it was yours, and it was bigger than General Muhoozi’s birthday.


Why do you think it’s the birthday of the century?

I have a few simple words. To describe the century’s birthday. Have you ever attended a birthday with a Kasiki?

This went big in Bushenyi with lots of artists and comedians. And then finally the birth itself was held the following day at Cricket Oval with lots of big guys in town. Invites from the President of Rwanda Paul Kagame. I guess you have attended none before. Moreover closing all major roads leading to Kampala city center. Aaaaah I hope that’s a simple tip if you missed it.

And here comes the birthday cup. It’s not like your usual soccer.

It’s Generals vs Members of Parliament

Ghetto Youth vs Muhoozi Friends

And it is all scheduled to take place on 29 – April 2022 at MTN Omondi 12 PM and entrance is free of charge. With the birthday boy the Guest of Honor himself.

For sure, i have no kind words to tell you that it’s the best birthday of the century in Uganda.

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